RHA is a senior friendly agency with a physical office in Mt. Pleasant, PA. We help people navigate the challenges of their Medicare benefits and secure a Medicare policy that fits their needs. So, whether you are preparing to turn sixty-five and jump into Medicare or are over sixty-five, still working, but getting ready to retire, we will help you clear the confusion and frustration that comes with this exciting time in your life.
It does not have to be scary, difficult, and frustrating. When we help you get started with your health care insurance, you will be educated on the options available. We will assist you on picking a plan that fits your needs, so you will be comfortable with your decision.
Maybe, you are already receiving Medicare benefits. Maybe you receive a Medicare supplement, or are on a Medicare Advantage Plan and are not happy with your current situation. Your circumstances may have changed and your plan does not “fit” you as well as it used to. Maybe it does not provide all the benefits you want?
We work with many Medicare Advantage and Supplement carriers in Pennsylvania. Finding a plan that works is as easy as calling us to schedule an appointment. With Medicare and Advantage plans, there are specific periods when a recipient can make a change. For example, the Annual Election Period (AEP) is October 15 to December 7 every year. Sometimes circumstances will allow for a “Special Election Period.” We invite you to call us to discuss further.
RHA also works with Medicare recipients who receive Medicaid. If you are a dual recipient, we welcome the opportunity to discuss your needs. There is also more flexibility in allowing for a change of plans. To review benefit options, please give us a call or schedule an appointment.
Like being fitted for a new suit or dress, our goal is to “fit” you with a health plan that meets your needs. We want you to also understand its benefits when you leave our office. We want you to be happy with your plan.
"We do not offer every plan in your area. Currently we represent 7 organizations which offer 3,666 products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program to get information on all your options."